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Neef A, Touch S, Chiengthong J.  2013.  The Politics and Ethics of Land Concessions in Rural Cambodia. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. 26(6):1085-1103.
Jacobsen T, Stuart-Fox M.  2013.  Power and Political Culture in Cambodia. Asia Research Institute. :1-28.
Independent_Evaluation_Group(IEG).  2013.  Project Performance Assessment Report: Lao People’s Democratic Republic Second Land Titling Project. :i-xii,1-48.
Wells-Dang A.  2013.  Promoting Land Rights in Vietnam: A Multi-sector Advocacy Coalition Approach. Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty. :1-25.
Enlightened_Myanmar_Research(EMR).  2013.  Qualitative Social and Economic Monitoring - Round Three Report. :1-86.
Paglietti L, Sabrie R.  2013.  Review of smallholder lingkages for inclusive agribusiness development. :i-xiv,1-84.
Global_Witness _.  2013.  Rubber Barons: How Vietnamese Companies and International Financiers are Driving the Land Grabbing Crisis in Cambodia and Laos. :1-51.
Bugalski N, Pred D.  2013.  Safeguarding Tenure: Lessons from Cambodia and Papua New Guinea for the World Bank Safeguards Review. Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty. :1-23.
Baver J, Jonveaux B, Pushkar K, Lila S, Shinjiyasui W.  2013.  Securing Livelihoods and Land Tenure in Rural Myanmar. (May):1-171.
Scheidel A, Giampietro M, Ramos-Martin J.  2013.  Self-sufficiency or surplus: Conflicting local and national rural development goals in Cambodia. Land Use Policy. 34:342-352.
STAR_Kampuchea(SK).  2013.  Shadow Report on Women’s Land Rights in Cambodia - Analysis of the status of compliance with CEDAW articles 14, 15 and 16. :i-v,1-16.
Singh S.  2013.  The Socio-Economic Context of Illegal Logging and Trade of Rosewood Along the Cambodian-Lao Border. (November):1-9.
De Koninck R, Rousseau J-F.  2013.  Southeast Asian agriculture: Why such rapid growth? L'Espace Geographique. 2013(2):135-155.
Michigan_State_University(MSU), Myanmar_Development_Resource_Institutes_Center_for_Economic_and_Social_Development(MDRI/CESD).  2013.  A Strategic Agricultural Sector and Food Security Diagnostic for Myanmar. :1-96.
Thorpe J.  2013.  Sugar Rush: Land rights and the supply chains of the biggest food and beverage companies. Oxfam Briefing Note. :1-24.
International_Fund_for_Agricultural_Development(IFAD), PROCASUR_Corporation _, Asia_Indigenous_Peoples_Pact(AIPP).  2013.  Sustainable bamboo forestry management and communal land titles in Sangthong District: The experience of Huay Hang and Napor Villages. :1-16.
Woods K.  2013.  Timber Trade Flows and Actors in Myanmar: The Political Economy of Myanmar’s Timber Trade. :i-ii,1-18.
Williams R.  2013.  Title through Possession or Title through Position? Respect for Housing, Land and Property Rights in Cambodia Land and Post‐Conflict Peacebuilding. :411-436.
Lastarria-Cornheil S, Lamb T, Ragasa C, Mackedon J, Saxen A.  2013.  Toolkit for Integrating Gender-Related Issues in Land Policy and Administration Projects. Project Appraisal. :1-4.
Meyfroidt P, Vu_Tan_Phuong _, Hoang_Viet_Anh _.  2013.  Trajectories of deforestation, coffee expansion and displacement of shifting cultivation in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. Global Environmental Change. 23(5):1187-1198.
Cambodian_Human_Rights_and_Development_Association(ADHOC).  2013.  A Turning Point?: Land, Housing and Natural Resources Rights in Cambodia in 2012 :i-v,1-47.
Milne S.  2013.  Under the leopard's skin: Land commodification and the dilemmas of Indigenous communal title in upland Cambodia. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 54(3):323-339.
Mahanty S, Dressler W, Milne S, Filer C.  2013.  Unravelling property relations around forest carbon. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. 34(2):188-205.
Stoeber S, Sisomphone E, Han C.  2013.  Women, Food and Land: Understanding the impact of gender on nutrition, food security and community resilience in Lao PDR. :i-xii,1-64.
Hoàng_Cầm _, Lê_Thanh_Sang _, Nguyễn_Thị_Phương_Châm _, Ngô_Thị_Phương_Lan _, Nhung_Tuyet_Tran _, Vũ_Thành_Long _.  2013.  The Women's Access To Land in Contemporary Vietnam. :i-v,1-96.
