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Conservation planning on China's borders with Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam. Conservation Biology. 35(6):1797-1808.
2021. Contested land restitution processes in Cambodia. Land. 10(5):1-14.
2021. .
2021. Displaced Sand, Displaced People: Examining the Livelihood Impacts of Sand Mining in Cambodia. Research Papers. (205):1-24.
2021. Does the devolution of forest management help conserve mangrove in the Mekong Delta of Viet Nam? Land Use Policy. 106:1-10.
2021. Economic Development Policies and Land Use Changes in Thailand: From the Eastern Seaboard to the Eastern Economic Corridor. Sustainability (Switzerland). 13(11):1-20.
2021. Emerging ‘agrarian climate justice’ struggles in Myanmar. Journal of Peasant Studies. 48(3):517-540.
2021. Environmental Requirement Integration into the Land Law of Vietnam. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management. 16(7):209-217.
2021. On equal ground: Promising Practices for Realizing Women's Rights in Collectively Held Lands. :i-iv,1-104.
2021. Excavating agrarian transformation under ‘secure’ crop booms: insights from the China-Myanmar borderland. Journal of Peasant Studies. :1-30.
2021. The Exclusionary Power of Microfinance: Over-Indebtedness and Land Dispossession in Cambodia. Sociology of Development. 7(2):202-229.
2021. Factors affecting the management of public agricultural land fund in Gia Lam District, Hanoi City, Vietnam. Land Use Policy. 101:1-5.
2021. Farmer social networks: The role of advice ties and organizational leadership in agroforestry adoption. PLoS ONE. 16(8):1-18.
2021. Farmer's agency and institutional bricolage in land use plan implementation in upland Laos. Land Use Policy. 104:1-13.
2021. Farming efficiency, cropland rental market and income effect: Evidence from panel data for rural Central Vietnam. European Review of Agricultural Economics. 48(1):207-248.
2021. A feminist methodology for implementing the right to food in agrarian communities: reflections from Cambodia and Ghana. Journal of Peasant Studies. 48(7):1459-1484.
2021. From centralised planning to collaborative urban land use planning: The case of Wat Ket, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Social Sciences & Humanities Open. 4(1):1-10.
2021. Gender and generation in rural politics in Myanmar: a missed space for (re)negotiation? Journal of Peasant Studies. 48(3):560-585.
2021. Gender biases in resettlement processes in Vietnam: examining women’s participation and implications for impact assessment. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal. 39(3):206-217.
2021. Grounding Chinese investment: encounters between Chinese capital and local land politics in Laos. Globalizations. 18(3):422-440.
2021. The impact of land fragmentation on food security in the North Central Coast, Vietnam. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies. 8(2):327-345.
2021. Impact of the Kunming–Bangkok Highway on Land Use Changes along the Route between Laos and Thailand. Land. 10(9):1-12.
2021. Improving governance of tenure in policy and practice: The case of Myanmar. Land Use Policy. 100:1-12.
2021. .
2021. Introduction to symposium ‘Reimagining land: materiality, affect and the uneven trajectories of land transformation’. Agriculture and Human Values. 38(1):271-282.